Expertise - 5,900 TL.
Tax - 4% of the cadastral value.
Compensation to the developer based on the difference in the cadastral value exchange rate, ranging from 300 to 500 USD.
Title Deed issuance tax - 3,890 TL.
Presence of a sworn translator in the transaction - 1,000 TL.
Transaction support services (TAKİPÇİ) - 500 TL.
Tax identification number - free of charge for company clients.
Biometric photos - 2 pieces.
Passport translation and notarization - 600 TL.
Currency exchange certificate (DÖVİZ BELGESİ) - 2,100 TL.
Currency exchange certificate (DÖVİZ BELGESİ) - 2,100 TL.